Thursday 26 April 2012

Gazan Prawns with Oven-Baked Kale

Yesterday evening I went to my friends Heather and Ahmed's place for dinner in north London. They had prepared a traditional, slightly spicy dish from Gaza, with prawns and sesame seeds. This was served with rice and oven-baked kale, drizzled in Fairtrade, Palestinian organic extra-virgin olive oil from the highly-recommended company Zaytoun.

Zaytoun are a community interest company (founded by my friend Heather and her partners Cathi, Atif and Saleh), who bring artisan Palestinian produce to the UK market. Their products, which include olive oil, medjoul dates and olive soap, can be found at stores such as Wholefoods, Planet Organic and from many online retailers.

I look forward to working more in the future with this fantastic company, and using their ethically sourced products at upcoming Cafe Palestine events.


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